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IAFE IFM Entertainment Programming Track
The IAFE Institute of Fair Management (IFM) Certification Tracks are specialized, continuing education programming for IFM graduates. This senior level coursework is presented through varying methods of instruction CyberSeminar, Instructor-led, Case Study and Service-Learning Projects.
Upon completion, the enrollee will become “certified” in the respective track completion. They will receive a certificate of accomplishment valid for five years. Every five years a minimum of three approved continuing education courses are required to maintain “Certified Status.” Individual will then be re-certified for an additional five years receiving an updated certificate. Continuing education courses are offered through the IAFE at the annual conventions, management conferences, zone meetings and other IAFE events.
1. MANAGEMENT (2024)
5. LEADERSHIP (2026)
IFM graduates may enroll in one track per year. Tracks will be offered every three years. Completion of all six tracks is not required. Once you complete a track, you will be certified within that track. However, all six tracks may be completed if an individual should choose to do so.
INVESTMENT: The investment for each track is $649 (USD). This includes all coursework, required program CyberSeminars and registration to the IFM Summit, where the enrollees will present their case study findings. This does not include travel and registration expenses for the Annual Convention or travel related expenses to the IFM Summit.
Specialized coursework that presents fundamental principles and practices of industry entertainment and event programming.
#101 From Page to Stage - Unveiling the Secrets of Performance Stage Operations: (CyberSeminar) Unlock the captivating world of performance stage operations in this immersive course designed exclusively for Fair Staff. Join us as we unravel the intricate web of stage management and operations, equipping you with the essential tools and knowledge to elevate your stage management efforts to new heights. Presented by Theresa Weinfurtner, CFE- Entertainment Manager, Minnesota State Fair, February 29, 2024
#102 Entertainment Safety and Security (CyberSeminar) Are you ready to take your event planning skills to the next level? Join us at the #102 Entertainment Safety and Security workshop, where we'll dive deep into the world of safety and security in entertainment. From top-name grandstand entertainment to strolling acts, safety is always a top priority. This workshop will equip you with the knowledge to identify potential risks, prepare for any situation, and effectively communicate with third-party entertainment. Presented by: Cliff Hedges, Eastern States Exposition, (The Big E), MA, March 28, 2024.
#103: Entertainment Marketing and the Media: Unleash the Power of Media to Skyrocket Your Event's Success (CyberSeminar) As the entertainment industry continues to evolve at a rapid pace, staying ahead of media trends is crucial. Our expert presenters will delve into the latest advancements in media consumption, cutting-edge promotional strategies, and emerging platforms that can amplify your event's reach like never before. Presented by Mark O’Shea, Noise New Media, April 25, 2024
#104 From the Mouths of the Agent(s)! (CyberSeminar) Get ready to gain insider knowledge straight from the experts. Join us as we delve into the ever-evolving world of entertainment trends and explore the impact of the pandemic. Discover what entertainers expect from events in terms of safety and security. And most importantly, uncover the truth about who your agency truly works for. Presented by Mark Sparks, Vice -President, Triangle Talent LLC, and Clay Campbell, President, Triangle Talent LLC. May 30, 2024
#105 Enhancing Your Fairgoer Experience Through Effective Programming (CyberSeminar) In this session, we will delve into the intricate process of program scheduling, uncovering proven methods to optimize revenue generation while maintaining the highest standards of quality programming. Learn how to strategically design your schedule to ensure a seamless flow of events that will keep fairgoers engaged and coming back for more. Discover the power of collaboration and how it can elevate the overall fair experience, offering a diverse range of activities and entertainment that cater to the unique interests of your audience. Presented by John Juliano and Analise Pietruska, Mellowship Entertainment, LLC. September 26, 2024
#106 Navigating the Intricacies of Entertainment Law: Equipping Fair Staff with Essential Legal Knowledge (Instructor-led) Immerse yourself in the captivating world of Entertainment Law, designed exclusively for fair staff, this session is your gateway to acquiring a fundamental understanding of entertainment laws that are essential for comprehending contracts, copyright, trademark, and employment issues. Presented by Jim Tucker, IAFE Legal Counsel, IAFE Annual Convention, Phoenix, AZ
Service-Learning Project: An integrated activity that connects the concepts and principles of this track to real-life application through volunteerism. Each participant will gain practical experience while focusing on Entertainment and Programming activities. Minimum eight volunteer hours. To be approved by your mentor. Completion deadline January 31, 2025
Case Study: Track enrollees will be assigned an active case study/project related to Entertainment/Programming. The group will evaluate the case through provided guidelines, actively engage with the event and provide their final recommendation with a presentation to the IAFE Education Advisory Board at the 2024 IAFE Management Conference in Sarasota, FL. The group will be provided with an industry mentor to aid the group in their case study efforts.
Testing: In order to complete the track certification, enrollees are required to successfully pass a final exam, administered on-line. Passing score is considered 90 percent or greater. Enrollees will be provided with multiple opportunities to achieve a passing score. Tests will be available in early January and require a passing score by January 31.
Re-Certification: Upon completion, the enrollee will become “certified” in the respective track completed. Every five years a minimum of three approved continuing education courses are required to maintain “Certified Status.” Continuing education courses are offered, through the IAFE, at the annual conventions, management conferences, zone meetings and other IAFE events.
**Coursework subject to change, courses available ONLY to those enrolled in the corresponding IFM certification track.
2024 Track Registration Closes January 19, 2024
For additional information or contact Lori Hart, CFE – Director of Education and Member Services